#nande naino
"7 SURVIVAL Tips for Women Visiting/Staying in Japan"
Here's some useful information for preparing to visit/staying in Japan!
Please share it with your friends! If you have any further questions, please contact us!
Coming Soon!!!
!In Japan, many modern contraceptives are not approve to use !
In Japan, many modern contraceptives are not approved to use.
<How can I get contraception in Japan?>
Male condom, IUD/IUS, and the contraceptive pill are the only options you can get in Japan.
A male condom is available in a drug store or even in convenience stores.
But other contraceptives, contraception pill, and IUD/IUS are PRESCRIPTION-NEEDED medicine. It means first you have to go to see a doctor(usually, ob-gyn), get a prescription, and you can get them.
Contraception is not covered by insurance. It usually costs around $20 per month. However, in the first visit, you usually have to pay the first visitor's fee and cost of blood test and some other check-ups. Therefore we recommend you to bring approximately $100.
<Be careful if you wear implant!>
Please be careful especially if you wear a contraceptive implant, as Japanese doctors DO NOT LEARN how to take care of those unapproved contraceptives.
<Can I bring contraceptives from my home?>
YES, you can do it. Basically, you can bring any prescription medicine into Japan with you without any special procedures under certain conditions (see here). But if you want to bring medicine more than a month supply of any prescription medicine from your home country, you need a YAKKAN-SHOUMEI and it can take 2 weeks at least to get it. You can find an application form here. However, it does not mean can you can get appropriate care when you get some problems.
<Can I ask someone to send them from my home town?>
It depends. Please notice some countries do not let you send/get a package contains contraceptives.
<Useful Words and Phrases>
・Birth control, contraception:避妊(hinin)
・Contraceptive Pill:低用量ピル(teiyouryou-pilu)
<Are you in trouble with finding care?>
You can search for clinics providing contraceptive pill from here(Japanese-only):
・ https://www.jfpa-clinic.org/s/
You might find some help from here:
・ the Solidarity Network with Migrants Japan https://migrants.jp/english.html
・ Tell Japan https://telljp.com/
!Please BUY&BRING EC as you can't get it at pharmacy in Japan!
<In Japan, EC is prescription-needed medicine>
While EC is available at the pharmacy without a prescription in about 90 countries, EC is a prescription-needed medicine in Japan. It means you first have to see a doctor (gynecologist in most cases) and get a prescription. The cost will not be covered by the national insurance and price is depended on each clinic.
<Price and availability>
It costs around $100. Also, Ella-one, which is effective for 120 hours after having unprotected sex is not available and Norlevo, which is usable after 72 hours is the only option. Therefore, please make sure you go to see a doctor as soon as possible.
<In case you are raped>
In case you are raped, you can call police 「#9110」. Then all medical check-ups, including getting emergency contraception will be publically supported. Also, there is a one-stop center for rape-survivors in every region. They give social, physical, and psychological support based on one's needs.
・The list of one-stop centers.
(Tokyo: 03-5607-0799, 24hours 7days) (Osaka:072-330-0799, 24hours 7days) (Kyoto:075-222-7711, 10:00-22:00 7days)
<Can I bring EC from my home?>
YES, you can do it without any special procedures on condition that you bring it only for your own use.
<Useful Words and Phrases>
・Emergency Contraceptive PIll:緊急避妊薬(kinkyu hinin yaku) or アフターピル (after pilu)
<Are you in trouble with finding clinics?>
You can search for clinics providing EC from here(Japanese-only):
!Medical Abortion is ILLEGAL in Japan!
<While surgical abortion is available, medical abortion is illegal in Japan>
In Japan, medical abortion is illegal and abortion pill is unavailable. Therefore surgical abortion is an only option until week22 and price is depended on each clinic.
<According to the law, you are allowed to get an abortion only when>
①pregnancy can be harmful to the mother due to physical or economic reasons or
② you got pregnant because of rape
In reality, many people say there's an economic issue and there's no specific investigation.
<Other Legal Condition of Abortion You Must Know>
・If you are married, you always need a signature from your husband. If you are single, you do not need it.
・Some clinics ask your parents' signature if you are minor(although the law doesn't say it).
・If you do not follow those rules and do an abortion by yourself, you can get arrested and prisoned less than one year due to the law.
<Out-Dated Surgical Procedure>
Please keep it in your mind that, in Japan, about 80% of abortions use D&C(dilation and curettage). Because D&C has a high risk of disease complications, WHO says it's an out-dated method and should be changed into other safe methods like aspiration or medical abortion.
<Where to go and Price>
You should go to the ob-gyn to get an abortion.
・<Week ~12> a half-day to one night at the hospital. $800-1400. NO insurance.
・<Week 12~22> stay at the hospital a few days but less than a week. $3500-5500.
If you are covered by the national insurance, $3500 will be covered.
<Useful Words and Phrases>
<Here are some international reliable resources>
・Women on Web:https://www.womenonweb.org/
・Women Help Women:https://womenhelp.org/
(CAUTION: Introducing them does NOT mean we encourage anyone to take medical abortion in Japan as it is illegal)
Reliable International Organizations supporting Safe Abortion around the world